The Cage
If you would prefer your guerrilla marijuana patches not to get busted, it is imperative that people can’t see them! A local Hawaiian method we call “the cage” works great for keeping cannabis growing incognito.
The cage technique can be adapted to a variety of different sized outdoor guerrilla marijuana patches, but today we will learn how to build a standard 4′ x 10′ caged guerrilla patch—enough room to fit a few low-profile hybrids.
Ideal for growing close quarters in thick vegetation such as grass or crop fields, the cage creates an effect similar to camouflage netting and relies on our previous grow tip that you can find here: Hawaiian Grow Tip #1
Cut four sticks to use as corner stakes—around 2″ thick. The height of the sticks should be slightly lower than the surrounding vegetation, as to avoid being seen. After your sticks are obtained, stake them sturdily into the ground at the four corners of your patch.
Side Wall: Now, you will need some welded wire or scrap fencing to perimeter your patch with it, keeping critters, even pigs, from messing with your plants. Wrap the fence around to the outside of your sticks—this will keep a superior level of strength when pushed against from the outside. Adjust the height of your sidewall fence accordingly to the area. Think of what animals may try to get in. A foot or two is usually tall enough to stop pigs from entering.
Take care to fasten the side wall securely to the post sticks using wire or tightly fastened rope.
The Lid: For the top cover piece, you will need a 4′ x 10′ section of wire fence, preferably old welded wire fencing that has lost its shine. You don’t want new fencing glimmering in the sunlight, so the rusty wire is ideal.
Raise the cut piece of fencing to the top of your four sticks: this will be the lid. Position your post sticks to the inside of the wire fence corners and secure tightly with thin non-flashy rope or cut pieces of rusty wire.
What’s most crucial in creating a guerrilla grow spot is camouflage. Cut pieces of the surrounding vegetation and weave this into your wire to make a simple camo net. This creates an optical illusion. Tall grass works well. You can even grab hold of living vegetation, pull it in and tie it onto your wire. It will stay alive and break the outline of your spot.
The amount of camouflage material you use to cover up is your own preference—with more camouflage comes less sunlight penetration. Losing a bit of light is obviously better than losing your entire bud crop. Weave a heavier amount of grass in the lid initially, as it will open back up naturally as the grass dies and the weather gets to it.
Take a step back and analyze your work. Ask yourself:
Does my guerrilla patch blend into the surrounding vegetation?
Will this easily be spotted by helicopters, rippers, or hunters?
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!
Congratulations! Now you have a stealthy marijuana patch that can be used to harvest chronic buds away from home. The example size used here is meant to fit roughly 3 to 4 medium-sized indica/sativa hybrids, maxing out at around 6 feet or so. Once your cage is built, you can reuse it again-and-again, for multiple crops.
The cage technique’s advantages are seen when guerrilla growers want to get out of the shade and into the light. Guerrilla-grown cannabis plants will stay hidden and safe in the middle of a field, able to soak up the sun and get dank without being seen.
Disclaimer:: We do not promote or undertake in illegal activities.
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